Every year or so I start up a blog, certain that now I'm suddenly going to have the ideas, the style and the personality to write about things that people want to read about. Perhaps I'll become internet-famous - it's only a matter of time, right? Perhaps I can become a real part of the movements I care about; feminism, body-positivism, defending the ailing NHS and the slowly dissolving welfare system. Yes, I can write about these things and people will care what I have to say about them! Perhaps this blog is the thing I've been waiting for, the thing that will make me important...
Unfortunately, by the time I've actually set up the thing and got a paragraph into my first insightful, clever and witty post, I've remembered that the phrases that sound amazing and original in my head rarely look so good when written down. There are people on the internet expressing every opinion I have far more beautifully than I can or will. Nobody cares what I have to say. I give up on the blog. I'm still not important.
But here I am again, starting the A-Z blogging challenge! Hopefully I'll find something interesting to write about each day, and hopefully it WON'T turn into a self-indulgent teenage diary fest! I'll definitely try and get some short fiction in there too, on the days when I have more energy...
Anyway, for today I thought I'd just write a little bio so that if, by random chance, anyone happens upon this they'll know whose unstructured ramblings they're actually reading! So here goes: I'm a 29 year old woman, and I currently have two jobs, neither of which, tragically, is as a writer. I'm perpetually tired, I drink far more tea than can possibly be healthy, get very angry when I read the news, have appalling skin that wouldn't look out of place on a teenager (which, incidentally, I am often mistaken for) and both hate and love people - en masse, I think we're pretty much worthless and disgusting, and yet on an individual basis, I have a lot of fondness for almost everyone I meet. I'm a massive nerd and a bit of a stay-at-home type. I'm currently attached to someone far too sweet and generous to deserve being stuck with me. I'm going to bake some scones later today. I think that's all you need to know about me for now!
See you tomorrow for the next thrilling episode: "B is for..."
I dunno...I've read the post and I see no plans to destroy even one human. I think I have a false advertising claim on my hands here.
ReplyDeleteCharfiiish you made me copy you and get a blog!